Populism – ett modeord som behöver bli bättre definierat för att vi ska förstå vad det är för politiska trender som håller på att förändra land efter land, men också internationella relationer. Statsvetarprofessorn Kjell Goldmann har borrat djupare i begreppet.


Muller's essay is a thorough analysis of populism as a political phenomenon. He describes main ideas behind the movement, tactics employed by parties deemed or calling themselves populist (like Hungarian Fidesz, Polish PiS or Italian 5 Star Movement). The book is a gold mine of memorable and hard-hitting quotes.

It has become conventional wisdom that we are facing a populist wave that is somehow threatening democracy. But what exactly is populism and in what sense, i In questo libro di rottura, Müller sostiene che al cuore del populismo vi è un rifiuto del pluralismo: al contrario di quanto comunemente si crede, ciò in base a cui i populisti possono governare è la loro pretesa di una rappresentanza morale esclusiva del popolo. Jan-Werner Müller se démarque à la fois des auteurs qui considèrent le populisme comme un style (proximité langagière avec le « peuple », habillement simple « populaire », etc.) et de ceux qui réduisent le populisme à un discours démagogique. Il ne nie pas ces aspects, bien au contraire, seulement, il les considère comme secondaires.

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Muller's essay is a thorough analysis of populism as a political phenomenon. He describes main ideas behind the movement, tactics employed by parties deemed or calling themselves populist (like Hungarian Fidesz, Polish PiS or Italian 5 Star Movement). The book is … KRITIKE VOLUME THIRTEEN NUMBER ONE (JUNE 2019) 161-163 © 2019 Jovito V. Cariño https://www.kritike.org/journal/issue_24/carino_june2019.pdf Octavian Report: What is populism and why is it so widely misunderstood? Jan-Werner Müller: Contrary to conventional wisdom today, not everybody who criticizes elites or “the establishment” is necessarily a populist who somehow poses a danger to democracy.

He is author of several books, most recently Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth Century Europe. He contributes regularly to London Review of Books, the Guardian, and the New York Review of Books.

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Todos os políticos, especialmente os políticos democráticos, são populistas. Sílvia Amaro.

Muller populismo

Il populismo avvicina il governo al popolo o costituisce una minaccia per la democrazia? Domande che non sono mai state urgenti come oggi. In questo libro di rottura, Müller sostiene che al cuore del populismo vi è un rifiuto del pluralismo: al contrario di quanto comunemente si crede, ciò in base a cui i populisti possono governare è la loro pretesa di una rappresentanza morale esclusiva

Muller populismo

Pero, ¿de verdad tienen algo en común todos estos personajes (aparte de su vociferante modo de ser)?

Muller populismo

Jan-Werner Müller, What Is Populism? (2016) Populism has not always borne a pejorative connotation. But those days are long gone with political figures like Jörg Haider, Geert Wilders, Recep Penn Press, 2016) - “¿Qué es el populismo?”, Müller se opone a las tesis del politólogo argentino Ernesto Laclau que tanto han inspirado a los fundadores de Podemos en España. Muller's essay is a thorough analysis of populism as a political phenomenon. He describes main ideas behind the movement, tactics employed by parties deemed or calling themselves populist (like Hungarian Fidesz, Polish PiS or Italian 5 Star Movement). The book is … KRITIKE VOLUME THIRTEEN NUMBER ONE (JUNE 2019) 161-163 © 2019 Jovito V. Cariño https://www.kritike.org/journal/issue_24/carino_june2019.pdf Octavian Report: What is populism and why is it so widely misunderstood? Jan-Werner Müller: Contrary to conventional wisdom today, not everybody who criticizes elites or “the establishment” is necessarily a populist who somehow poses a danger to democracy.
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We spoke with Müller about the real meaning -- and the real menace -- presented by this political form.

Pero, ¿de verdad tienen algo en común todos estos personajes (aparte de su vociferante Jan-Werner Mülleri „Mis on populism?“ ilmus esmakordselt 2016. aastal, kuid selle asjakohasus on paari viimase aasta poliitiliste sündmuste käigus üksnes kasvanud. En este libro esencial, Müller define las principales características del populismo —el antielitismo, el antipluralismo, la pretensión de exclusividad— y explica el éxito de Trump y otros populistas con ese marco teórico.

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Jan Werner Mueller är en internationellt ledande forskare om demokrati och populism, för närvarande professor vid Princeton University, USA. Hans bok ”Vad är populism” har nyligen utkommit på svenska (Daidalos). Jan Werner Muellers anförande kommenteras av Sverker Gustavsson, professor em, Uppsala Universitet. Mötesledare: Carl Tham.

As Jan-Werner Müller. (2016a, l oc. 98) puts it, “ the dan ger comes from within the democratic.

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La sexta conclusión de Müller es que el populismo es una seria amenaza para la democracia y no solo para el liberalismo, o sea que es un peligro para la democracia liberal. Müller cita y analiza la conocida tesis de Fareed zaca­ ria sobre la emergencia de las democracias iliberales, de las que el populismo es una versión.

He is author of several books, most recently Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth Century Europe.